Why we're different?

Communication and Interaction

Provision for these needs is embedded into everything we do. Specially trained staff delivering a bespoke curriculum. The building is laid on with needs in mind and specialist speech and language therapy is delivered based on need of each child. We commission support from qualified speech and language therapists to advise and train our staff. 

Cognition and Learning

We have a mix of staff with early years, primary and secondary training. This ensures we can deliver our differentiated curriculum based on the child’s needs. Multiple assessment and intervention tools are used by CCET-trained staff. 

Social, Emotional and Mental health

This is at the core of our values as a whole as Rise Academy. We invest in specialist training such as MAPA, ELSA and mental health first aid to deliver interventions when needed. We aim to prepare the children to be independent health young adults.

Physical and Sensory

We have a sensory room in school which is used for bespoke sensory interventions. We commission occupational health to carry out assessments and train staff to deliver them. The sensory classroom strategies are embedded into our core curriculum offer.